Monday, February 11, 2013

Anything above the shoulders is ok...

Should you workout when your sick...."A neck check is a way to determine your level of activity during a respiratory illness," adds Neil Schachter, MD, medical director of respiratory care at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. "If your symptoms are above the neck, including a sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, and tearing eyes, then its OK to exercise," he says. "If your symptoms are below the neck, such as coughing, body aches, fever, and fatigue, then it's time to hang up the running shoes until these symptoms subside."

For the last week (since Tuesday of last week) I had what I thought was food poisoning, but from what I have read food poisoning does not last for a week, conclusion stomach flu.

Working out has been an issue cause if I jiggle I might up-chuck whatever is left inside of me and as my stomach is upset I don't eat much (toast and portein shakes) so I have no energy. So for the past week I have taken it easy only working out when I really felt good which was Sunday when I did my bike class of 75 hard minutes (that was fun) and a 1 hour run (a brick).

Its Monday night and I am back on my sofa with that nauseating feeling I have gotten use to this week (although today it isn't so bad) and have decided not to go swimming (which was only suppose to be 45 minutes easy).  I hope the rest of the week is better cause I can't afford any more time off!

The only great thing about being sick this week is I am trying lose 14 pounds and I am quite sure that just this past week I managed to get rid of 5 of them.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

What is a Guru

Yesterday I went to TCR and put a deposit down on my first Tri Bike made by Guru.  Cory from TCR spent 2 hours fitting me for my new bike taking my measurements, checking flexibility, adjusting seat position/height, aero bar position and padding all to ensure that the bike I am purchasing will fit me to a T and make me super fast.

Maria's Super Fast Guru

The frame of this bike will be custom made just for me and then I"ll choose everything else, aero bars, cranks, drive train, seat, tires etc. how exciting is this?   This will be my bike, the one I'll be riding this year in both my 1/2 Ironman's and next year when I do my first Ironman in coeur-dalene.

This is a big step for me, buy purchasing this bike I am committed...or maybe I should be committed (not sure). 

Anyway, when I get my new Guru in April I"ll make sure to take a photo and post it on my blog.

Chow for now everyone.