Monday, December 30, 2013

I Can't Wait to Be An Ironman in 2014

I have just come back from spending 4 days over the Christmas holidays with my husband's family.  I love them dearly, but chocolate is not a daily food staple and someone has to let them know this (as I write this my husband had just opened another box of chocolate - OMG). 

No worries about my chocolate consumption I was "good" but seriously I have put my foot down from this point forward.  

I have 6 months from today till I do my Ironman - 6 months and I can't wait.  I am not scared, I am not nervous, I am just excited to see what I can do and I am already planning for 2015 IM.  I have been practicing my run in for the finish and am now visualizing a finish of 15 hours (down from 16:45).

So far I am loving the training, I have been advised it will be ramping up starting January 1st and I'll be way more tired than usual (is that possible).  I am training 6 days a week right now - here is what my typical schedule looks like:

Monday - Ride
Tuesday - Swim/Run
Wednesday - Ride
Thursday - Off
Friday - Swim
Saturday - Long Run/Ride
Sunday - Swim/Ride

2014 is just around the corner and is proving to be an exciting year for me - I hope the same for you.

Training Totals as of July 8th to-date
Total Running Distance: 287.01K
Total Swimming Distance: 74.21K
Total Biking Distance: 1,794.40K
Total Hours: 158
Total Distance: 2,157.58K