Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week Before Thier Goal Race

A lot of the group in the clinic I am teaching right now are going to be running thier goal race next weekend. I hope they are very exicted, they have all worked very hard to get to where they are now and I am very proud of them all.

My goal race, as well as some others in the clinic, is the Calgary 1/2 Marathon at the end of May, that will be my last race of the year as I"ll then be training for my tri's and Goofy in 2012.

I will be sorry that the clinic will end and I have made the decision to not teach antoher one until after I do the 1/2 ironman next year (2012).

The weather is getting really nice so I'll be able to do most of my biking outdoors and really put to use the nice road bike Jeff bought me for my birthday..I am going to be damn fast.

I'll close by letting you know I am having a glass of red wine and relaxing on my sofa, ET is on TV right now I have not seen it since forever!

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