Trainer tires were put on, chains lubed, cadence meters in working order and some meals made and frozen so we don't have to worry about what to eat when we are tired and home late from training.
My coach, Trevor Williams, has a new studio "The Engine Room" at Speed Theory and I know everyone is looking forward to trying the new computrainers. I am sad that outdoor riding is "almost" over (but I'll be riding to and from work until the weather says I can't) but I am looking forward to the great workout the class provides (it is tough). This year I am hoping I will be able to complete the 20 minutes standing we will be expected to do during one of our training sessions.
Ironman is only 272 days away so I'll want to get in all the indoor cycling I can till spring arrives and allows me to ride outside again.
So for now...goodbye vehicle fumes, goodbye motorhomes who don't see me on the shoulder, goodbye tacks in the road that caught me off guard but taught me how to change my tri bike tires, goodbye Saturdays with good friends and long rides, goodbye riding to Bragg Creek for coffee, goodbye tans lines...I will see you all in April.
Training Totals as of July 8th to-date
Total Running Distance: 185.88K
Total Swimming Distance: 23.91K
Total Biking Distance: 1,080.61K
Total Hours: 87:04:41
Total Distance: 1,292.56K
If God invented marathons to keep people from doing anything more stupid, then triathlon must have taken Him completely by surprise.