Sunday, September 15, 2013

Stuff An Ironman Dosen't Say

Check out the video below think you'll laugh as much as me.

I am 3 months into my IM CDA training, there are good days and there are hard days (more good hard days than bad hard days).  I am actually really enjoying the training, I have gotten to the point where my training is just part of my everyday routine, just part of what I do.

Saturday I did a 1 1/2 run (uphill - my legs were killing me), then today some interval training on my bike (2 hours), which lead to a 2 hour nap this afternoon and then tomorrow I have the day off and I am doing a 3 hour ride, hopefully followed by another 2 hour nap.

My Ironman is only 286 days away/approx. 9 1/2 months and I can't wait.  But right now my hubbie is on the way home with some ice-cream (not on my nutrition plan but what the hell) so I am a little more excited about that than Ironman CDA right now.

Training Totals as of July 8th to-date

Total Running Distance: 154K
Total Swimming Distance: 22.54K
Total Biking Distance: 983K

Total Hours: 78:06
Total Distance: 1,162K

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