Monday, December 30, 2013

I Can't Wait to Be An Ironman in 2014

I have just come back from spending 4 days over the Christmas holidays with my husband's family.  I love them dearly, but chocolate is not a daily food staple and someone has to let them know this (as I write this my husband had just opened another box of chocolate - OMG). 

No worries about my chocolate consumption I was "good" but seriously I have put my foot down from this point forward.  

I have 6 months from today till I do my Ironman - 6 months and I can't wait.  I am not scared, I am not nervous, I am just excited to see what I can do and I am already planning for 2015 IM.  I have been practicing my run in for the finish and am now visualizing a finish of 15 hours (down from 16:45).

So far I am loving the training, I have been advised it will be ramping up starting January 1st and I'll be way more tired than usual (is that possible).  I am training 6 days a week right now - here is what my typical schedule looks like:

Monday - Ride
Tuesday - Swim/Run
Wednesday - Ride
Thursday - Off
Friday - Swim
Saturday - Long Run/Ride
Sunday - Swim/Ride

2014 is just around the corner and is proving to be an exciting year for me - I hope the same for you.

Training Totals as of July 8th to-date
Total Running Distance: 287.01K
Total Swimming Distance: 74.21K
Total Biking Distance: 1,794.40K
Total Hours: 158
Total Distance: 2,157.58K

1 comment:

FineFettle (Michelle C.) said...

Great to hear from you Maria! I'm so happy to hear your training is going well, you survived the holidays and are confidently looking forward to becoming an IronMan in 2014! All the best in 2014 as you work toward this highly admirable goal!!!
xo M