Thursday, May 29, 2014

Five Weeks And Counting Till I Am An Ironman

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain

The last time I used this quote was Sunday, August 18, 2013 and my friend, Krista, just finished her 1st Ironman in Mont-Tremblant.  Now I am just weeks away from doing my first Ironman in Coeur d'Alene and the above saying takes on a whole new meaning for me. 

A long time ago, approximately 9 years, little did I know that my journey to Ironman started in the Running Room of the Glenmore Landing in Calgary.  I was planning my wedding and thought running would be a good way to shed some pounds for the big day, so signed up for a Learn to Run class.  It it was the most difficult thing I had every done.  I started my running career with 1 minute walking and walking minute running for 20 minutes. 

This class lasted for 10 weeks and each week we had someone come and talk to us about different subjects, food, clothing and form etc…but the subject that really fueled my desire to eventually do what I am doing was a motivational talk (rather lack of).  The instructor (whose name I have forgotten or don't care to remember) asked us all to write down our running goals (weekly goal, short term, long term and ultimate). 

We were all asked to read these goals out and when it came to me I read:

Weekly Goal: attend the running class and do my runs;
Short Term Goal: 5K race goal;
Long Term Goal: train for a 1/2 Marathon; and
Ultimate Goal: run the London Marathon.

Guess what the instructor said when I read this goal out - oh you'll never be able to do that.

Well you know what I want to say to that instructor? 


because your negative comment has helped shape me to be the strong, confident person I am today and the above saying "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why" will take on a whole new meaning June 29, 2014.

Since that day in the Running Room LTR clinic I have not run the London Marathon - not because I cannot do it, but because it is a lottery entry system and after the 3rd go I got bored and gave up (I have other goals to accomplish).  I have, however, done 7 other marathons and will tackle number 8 on June 29, 2014.

On June 29, 2014 I will cross that finish line (up right and smiling)  and I will be declared an Ironman!

1 comment:

FineFettle (Michelle C.) said...

What a crappy instructor you had but I love how you reframed it to be able to say thank you for becoming who you are today. You sure turned things around and I'm so happy to say you are the BEST instructor I ever had. Your friendship and encouragement is the REASON I kept running after your clinic!

With marathon #8 and "a few other activities LOL" on June 29th, you will find out "why" and I'm so excited for you! Because of you, I now know words like brick, T1, T2, but I had to google it to see how far a full Ironman is. Wow. Wow! Wow!!!

Oh YES, you'll definitely be ABLE and WILLING to DO THAT!!! You have put in all the hard work. You must be on a taper now (?)

I will be following you on race day. It's been in my calendar for months. How can we support you from afar? I would tweet but I know you won't get that. Just feel the love, support and energy you know is funnelling to you from all your friends in Calgary on race day.

Good luck on race day Maria!