Just sitting here enjoying my 1 1/2 hours of quiet.
Jeff has taken up triathlon and is at swimming class tonight leaving me with some Enya, a cup of tea and peace. It is the only time I get these days to spend to myself, we (Jeff and I) spend a lot of time together training - don't take this the wrong way but sometimes you just need to be alone with your thoughts.
All is well at my end of the world, pretty busy with tri training (see below) and work:
Monday - Run Home (45 mins)
Tuesday - Cycling class at speed theory - a killer class (1 1/2 hrs)
Wednesday - Bike/Run (short brick) (35 mins of each)
Thursday - Bike about 1 hr
Friday - Swimming class (1 1/2 hrs)
Saturday - Cycling class (easy) in morning 8:30 a.m. (1 1/2 hrs) then afternoon speed class (2 hrs)
Sunday - Cycling class at speed theory in morning 8:30 a.m. (1 1/2 hrs) (another killer) then swimming (1 hr)
I need to be really organized (even more so than before) now that Jeff is also training. I love the training, but boy do I do a lot of laundry and on the weekends I spend a lot of time making crock pot dishes that are healthy for during the week so I dont' each crap if I get home late from a workout.
I have registered for two 1/2 Ironman's next year already and my I see a new tri bike in my future. As for Ironman 2014 I am have chosen to participate in Ironman Coeur D'Alena which happens in June(http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/events/ironman/coeur-dalene.aspx#axzz2EKtivKez). In fact, I have already booked my coach for Ironman training commencing June, 2013.
As for friends, I am not sure I have any left - you guys still out there? I hope that in the new year I'll be able to sluff off a day or two to see you all.
Merry Christmas to you all.
I Am Too Positive to Be Doubtful, To Optimistic To Be Fearful and To Determined to Be DEFEATED!
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
You Gotta Be Prepared
I can't believe that last time I posted anything was July 23rd, just after I finished my first Half Iron(man). Since then I have done pretty much nil in the way of training. I have kept up my running base but other than that NIL, yup I got lazy. (Ok, I did a bike race and I still do my running but just short distance to keep my base).
My goal when I completed my first Half Iron(man) was to sign up for Ironman ("IM") in Pentiction for 2013, but to be honest once I finished my race I had already made the decision to wait another year before attempting IM. The race proved to me that I needed to get more mileage under my belt before attempting IM. And, as most of you know IM won't be held in Penticition anymore, this year was the last year and a new place has yet to be decided upon - but I hear Vernon is a front runner.
Where I do my first IM is not important to me I just want to do it (but I would be very happy if it were Vernon as it is closer to Calgary and Jeff and I have very close friends who live in Kelowna who we could stay with the week before IM and during IM).
I was at IM Canada this year watching my friends race and volunteering at the finish as a catcher -if you ever volunteer at IM choose this job, you get to "catch" the athletes at the finish and they are so grateful. They cross the finish line and are very disoriented, you take them by the arm (catch them) and lead them to water, food and rest and stay with them until you are sure that have regained all their faculties - be warned thou there is a chance you might get barfed on.
I was glad I went to IM this year, I was worried that I would sign up for next year to do IM but to be honest after watching these athletes work so hard to get to the finish line I knew that my decision to wait one more year was the right one. I need to be in the best shape of my life (physcilally and mentally) to ensure I complete IM and it will be hard!
NOW...well now my training begins (again). But this year I plan on changing some things:
So...there you go. There is an IM in my furture but not till 2014. Like the Scouts always say - BE PREPARED!
My goal when I completed my first Half Iron(man) was to sign up for Ironman ("IM") in Pentiction for 2013, but to be honest once I finished my race I had already made the decision to wait another year before attempting IM. The race proved to me that I needed to get more mileage under my belt before attempting IM. And, as most of you know IM won't be held in Penticition anymore, this year was the last year and a new place has yet to be decided upon - but I hear Vernon is a front runner.
Where I do my first IM is not important to me I just want to do it (but I would be very happy if it were Vernon as it is closer to Calgary and Jeff and I have very close friends who live in Kelowna who we could stay with the week before IM and during IM).
I was at IM Canada this year watching my friends race and volunteering at the finish as a catcher -if you ever volunteer at IM choose this job, you get to "catch" the athletes at the finish and they are so grateful. They cross the finish line and are very disoriented, you take them by the arm (catch them) and lead them to water, food and rest and stay with them until you are sure that have regained all their faculties - be warned thou there is a chance you might get barfed on.
I was glad I went to IM this year, I was worried that I would sign up for next year to do IM but to be honest after watching these athletes work so hard to get to the finish line I knew that my decision to wait one more year was the right one. I need to be in the best shape of my life (physcilally and mentally) to ensure I complete IM and it will be hard!
NOW...well now my training begins (again). But this year I plan on changing some things:
- I will be cycling indoors twice a week as opposed to the once a week I was doing (staring Sept 25th for 6 months) with a group at Speed Theory with a goal in the summer to bike at least 200K a week;
- I will be swimming 3 times a week so I can shave 10 minutes of my swim time;
- I need to get some strength training in at least once a week, someone suggest I try the TRX so will be purchasing that and doing strength training from my basement each week;
- Grant from Vitalize will be coaching me but only every 3 months;
- I will get in more LSD runs (last year I slacked in that dept);
- I will be following my training schedule more religiously this year; and
- I will try to drop my weight to 140 pounds (last year I only got to 146 so I'll have to really work hard at this).
So...there you go. There is an IM in my furture but not till 2014. Like the Scouts always say - BE PREPARED!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sylvan Lake Half Iron
Well the big day finally came, the day that I have been training for since October of last year.
Before The Race
Saturday evening I meet my friend Cathy at the rec centre in Sylvan Lake for our pre-race meeting. The meeting was quick and informative - good thing I went because we were informed of changes to our swim and run route. The swim was originally going to be a 1 loop 2K swim but they changed it to a 2 loop swim - each loop being 1K. The run was originally a 10.5K out and 10.5K back route but due to some flooding the route was changed to a 4 loop run each loop consisting of 5.5K.
That evening we went out for a light dinner (which did not sit well in my stomach) then it was back to the hotel to get ready for the race. Like any other race I got all my gear set up for the next day, once over done on the bike, food ready for the bike/run, water with eload ready, after race drink ready etc... I was pretty nervous about the swim, in fact I was freaking just a bit but Jeff calmed me down and said he was confident that I would complete it as I had already done 2K in the lake that week under 1 hours.
Race Day Morning
All 5 alarms went off at 6 a.m (wanted to make sure I got up). Didn't shower - what's the point.
Took me 15 minutes to get ready then Jeff and I were out the door to the swim start/T1 (Transition 1) where I would park my bike/gear and get my chip and body markings. Our hotel (Best Western) was within walking distance the start.
We got there a bit early so I did not have to stand in line for markings - bonus. I had time to choose the spot I wanted for my bike and unpack my gear and organize myself. Once I was unpacked I walked around for a bit, saw some friends (had 45 minutes to kill still race start) and then went for about a 10 minute run to warm up (something my coach taught me). I then went back to my bike, sat on the curb and relaxed for 10 minutes till it was time to squeeze myself into my wetsuit of which I am now a pro at putting on.
2K Swim
We started at 8:00 a.m. and we only had 1:10 minutes to swim 2K (2 loops of 1K and that looked like a long way when I was actually in the water).
We were asked to keep the buoys they had placed for us on our right hand side at all times. The lake was warm and very shallow - so we were only swimming in hip/chest deep water most of the swim.
About 200 of us were in the water and I ensured that I seeded myself at the back of the group. I wasn't nervous just happy that I was there. I had a plan and that was to do the first 250m nice and slow and then just keep swimming.
Next thing I know we had started and I stuck to my plan - the first 250m was nice and slow, warmed my body up and then just kept swimming. At one point I looked at my watch and it read 24 minutes - I was doing well. I was smooth in the water and actually enjoyed being there. My breathing was great, I didn't bump into anyone and I sighted pretty well only going off course once or twice.
Finally I was done the swim - 56 minutes. Whew I made it, I would be allowed to go on to my next event - 90K ride. Was this a good or bad thing? Guess I would find out.
90K Ride
Everyone had 4 1/2 hours to complete the bike course, all riders had to be off the course 1:30 pm or you were disqualified.
Getting out of the water was slippy, the race director "Joe" helped everyone out of the water - thought that was really nice. My hubbie, mum and dad were there yelling "Go Maria Go". As I made my way to my bike I heard the race announcer say "participant 117, Maria Wilson has just go out of the water in a time of 56 minutes. This is Maria's first 1/2 Iron". I was proud.
Got to my bike, changed into my riding gear and I was off.
We started on HWY 11A which is slightly uphill...from there we were on HWY 766, a somewhat flat ride with rolling hills ....next we turned onto Township Road 400 another slightly uphill route till you got to the first aid station at about 40K at which point you got to go downhill. At this point in the race I had not seen another ride since 15K - I was all alone. So, I decided this would be a good time to fart - yes I had to fart so I stood up on bike and let one rip - at which one another ride blew past me. How embarrassing!
Then the turnaround. But guess what, you had to turn around and go up the hill you just came down - NICE. I went back down Township Road 400 to the dreaded HWY 12. We warned to save ourselves for this part of the ride as it is hilly and they weren't joking and not only that but the HWY was in need of repair, I was lucky I didn't get a flat.
Again, I was all alone. No one in front of me, no one behind me. I was tired, fed up and my neck and back were killing me. I wanted this to be done! I kept look at my watch to ensure I was on track with my timing, so far I was ok.
I came to the next and last aid station about 65K and 2 hills done and behind me. Took some water from a really nice volunteer and was told I had 2 more hills ahead of me before it was all down hill to the finish. So, off I went climbing hills and making my way to the finish.
At about 80K I saw a truck picking up cones from the race course, it was the bike race course director. I stopped and I think he could see the panic in my face, I was the last bike on the course and I didn't have much time to get to the finish. He calmed me down, said I was doing great I was almost there but I had 1 more hill, and 2 little hills in my future. OMG
I don't remember much after this but what I do remember is that I need to boot it to the finish...I only had 45 minutes or so left could I do it? I was in tears...I thought if I was to get a DNF it would be in the swim not the bike. Up, up, up the hill I went - down the hill I went - up the next smaller hill I went - down the hill I went - up the last smaller hill I went and finally down. Next thing I know I saw the sign "2K to Vulcan" so I booted it.
I made it to the finish line with 20 minutes or so to spare all my family and friends were there cheering me on (Jeff, Mum, Dad, Syd, Sarah, Donovan, Greg, Tina, Phil, Eric, Michelle and Ken).
I made it to stage 3 of my race - the run. I was proud.
The Run
You had to be finished your run by 4:30 p.m. our you would be disqualified.
As I said earlier this was a 4 loop course, I enjoyed it for several reasons:
- You did not have to worry about distance, just how many loops you had.
- You hit the same water station 1/2 way thru each 5K run so you did not have to carry water and the volunteers at this station got to know what I wanted each time I passed by - 1 water, 1 Gatorade and ice to put down my bra.
- I got to see all my family and friends at the turnaround - 8 times - they were the loudest cheering section there - I was proud and happy they were all there.
- People had their sprinklers on for us which I got to run thru 8 times.
- A wonderful lady had a hose out and she would spray you with it - she stayed for all my loops and soaked me each time I went past. I loved it!
- My friend Matt, who ran the race and is doing IM in August, passed each other 6-7 times (he was ahead of me) and we kept giving each other high fives.\
My last loop at the turnaround I heard the announcer say "there is 1:10 minutes left in the race and runner 117, Maria Wilson, has 5K left to go". I was tired, but continued on. There were only 4 people left on the course (me being 1 of them) and I finished with about 1/2 hour left in the race.
I had been on the course for 8 hours and I was done. I crossed that finished line with pride and yes I cried as I hugge one of the most important people in the world to be whose paitent and support helped get to the finish line - Jeff my hubbie.
Swim: 56:34
T1: 3:30
Bike: 4:12
T2: 1:47
Run: 2:47
Overall a great first Half Iron, but hard, hardest thing I have every done, but as the saying goes...
"if it were easy everyone would do it".
Thank you to my family and friends who supported me on the days leading up to this race and on the day itself.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Two Days Left to the Big Day
Yup, there are only two more days till my first 1/2 IM in Sylvan Lake.
I"ll be half way to becoming and Iron Woman.
I am nervous
I am exicted
I am anxious
I am packed
I am ready to do this!
I have been practicing my run to the finish line of the race, big smile on my face and holding back the tears of pride as I cross the finish line seeing all my family and freinds waiting to cheer me on. I can't wait!
And to those of you coming this weekend to support me - THANKS your support will be need greatly on Sunday.
I"ll be half way to becoming and Iron Woman.
I am nervous
I am exicted
I am anxious
I am packed
I am ready to do this!
I have been practicing my run to the finish line of the race, big smile on my face and holding back the tears of pride as I cross the finish line seeing all my family and freinds waiting to cheer me on. I can't wait!
And to those of you coming this weekend to support me - THANKS your support will be need greatly on Sunday.
Friday, July 13, 2012
"A" Race Just Around The Bend
If I said I was not a bit worried I'd be lying. My race (Sylvan Lake 1/2 Ironman) is only a week away and a lot of questions are going thru my head:
- Have I trained enough?
- Should I do another 90K ride just to make sure I can do it?
- Is tapering really a good thing?
- Can I swim 2K in 1 hour and 10 minutes?
- Will I fuel adequately to get me thru this race?
- Will I have the courage to start?
- Will I have the strength to finish?
- What will everyone say if I don't finish?
- Will I cry when I finish?
- Etc...
In my heart I know the answers to all these questions, but my head right now is not so sure.
In any case my race comes up pretty darn soon, July 22nd to be exact in Sylvan Lake. My agreement with my hubbie is that if I don't finish this race I don't sign up for Ironman in Penticitoin next year - so there is a lot riding on this race for me, I really want to sign up for Ironman next year. Heck I need something to keep me busy in 2013 besides work.
A few of you have shown some interest in supporting me at this race and if you would like to come out I would really appreciate it. My hubbie, my parents and I will be driving to Sylvan on Saturday, July 21st and will be staying overnight.
Sunday, July 22
2K swim starts at 8:00 a.m - I have 1 hr & 10 minutes to swim 2K - I hope to do this swim in 1 hr = 9:00 a.m finish
For Swim Route Click Here
2K swim starts at 8:00 a.m - I have 1 hr & 10 minutes to swim 2K - I hope to do this swim in 1 hr = 9:00 a.m finish
For Swim Route Click Here
Transition from swim to bike 1 minute 30 seconds
90K bike - I have 4 1/2 hours to do this ride in and I'd like to do it in 4 hours = 1:00 p.m. finish
Transition from bike to run 1 minute 30 seconds
Last but not least....and I am already tired.
21K Run - I have 3 hrs to do this run in & I'd like to do it in 2:45 or the full 3 hrs =
Estimated total finish time 7:45 - 8 hours? Lay your bets now, will I do more or less than I estimate.
Your support is more appreciated than you know. Maria
Monday, July 02, 2012
20 Days & Counting...
Only 20 more days till my "A" race - Sylvan Lake 1/2 IM. The total amount of time alloacated to do this race if 8 hours 30 minutes and it is broken down as follows:
2K Swim you get 1 hour 10 minutes
90K Ride you get 4 hours 20 minutes (including transition)
21K Run you get 3 hours
Ideally I'd like to do:
2K Swim 1 hour
90K Ride 4 hour
21K Run 2 hours 45 minutes
Total time: 7:45
2K Swim you get 1 hour 10 minutes
90K Ride you get 4 hours 20 minutes (including transition)
21K Run you get 3 hours
Ideally I'd like to do:
2K Swim 1 hour
90K Ride 4 hour
21K Run 2 hours 45 minutes
Total time: 7:45
Sunday, July 01, 2012
I Am Too Positive.....: Longest Ride To-Date
I Am Too Positive.....: Longest Ride To-Date: My race is just weeks away (July 22) and in order to mentally prepare for the bike portion of the race Jeff and I went for a 74K ride today....
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Longest Ride To-Date
My race is just weeks away (July 22) and in order to mentally prepare for the bike portion of the race Jeff and I went for a 74K ride today. We parked at Westside Church (great parking spot for bikers) then rode to Bragg Creek. Great ride, hard and we were tired when we were done.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Upated June 12th
June 10 - Wasa Olympic Tri
First Olympic Tri - due to cold weather the swim of 1500 metres was dropped to 750 metres. Total time for 750M swim/40K ride/10K run was 3:19. Great day, easier than doing a 1/2 marathon.
June 19 - Chinook Olympic Tri
July 22 - Sylvan Lake Half Ironman
First Olympic Tri - due to cold weather the swim of 1500 metres was dropped to 750 metres. Total time for 750M swim/40K ride/10K run was 3:19. Great day, easier than doing a 1/2 marathon.
June 19 - Chinook Olympic Tri
July 22 - Sylvan Lake Half Ironman
Monday, June 04, 2012
Frist Open Water Swim
This evening I did my first open water swim and oh boy what an experience.
Beside a wet suit you will need the following items:
After an hour it was hard to get out of the lake but not has hard to as it was to get out of the wet suit. Apparantly "I'll learn" so that brought me some comfort.
Beside a wet suit you will need the following items:
- Gloves to pull and yank the wet suit.
- Plastic bag for your fee.
- Body glide or other form of - you will get chaffing from the wet suit especially around the neck.
- Large plastic bag to put your wet suit in for afterwards (I use a garbage bag it worked well).
- Ear plugs - some people get nausea when their ears get cold water in them. I did not have this issue.
After an hour it was hard to get out of the lake but not has hard to as it was to get out of the wet suit. Apparantly "I'll learn" so that brought me some comfort.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
First Ride of the Season
My day today consisted of a 2 hour run at Nose Hill Park @ 8:30 a.m., came home for lunch then out again for the first out door ride of the season. 45K in 2 hours - got sun burnt! What a great ride.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
4 Hour Bike Ride
Well thought I better get it out of the way, so today with the group I train with we did a 4 hour indoor bike ride. Needed to know what it felt like for my 1/2 Ironman, so now I know, its hard!
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Monday, April 02, 2012

Pretty soon we will be riding outside which I can't wait for, I am getting really bored trianing indoors on the bike.
So far my favorite sport is the swimming, I still need more work on this sport but it is relaxing and I keep improving. Second would be biking, when we start riding outside and then running.
The long weekend is coming up so I am crossing my fingers for nice weather.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Love Is Coming Back
So the love is slowing coming back.
What has changed?
Well I got some sleep zzzzzzz, talked to my coach and have given up my strength classes on Tuesday nights. I think the class was draining me of my energy for the rest of the week, so instead of strength I will do an extra brick class.
So far I am not as tired as I normally am, so cross your fingers.
What has changed?
Well I got some sleep zzzzzzz, talked to my coach and have given up my strength classes on Tuesday nights. I think the class was draining me of my energy for the rest of the week, so instead of strength I will do an extra brick class.
So far I am not as tired as I normally am, so cross your fingers.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Not Feeling The Love
I suppose at some point I knew this would happen.
I am guessing it happens to a lot of us who train, train and train (now for six months), at some point we just don't feel the love. Do you know what I mean?
Coach says to just take a few days off, refocus and the love will come back. So just becoming friends with my sofa again, spending time with the hubbie and waiting for the love to come back.
If you find it will you please send it back to me.
I am guessing it happens to a lot of us who train, train and train (now for six months), at some point we just don't feel the love. Do you know what I mean?
Coach says to just take a few days off, refocus and the love will come back. So just becoming friends with my sofa again, spending time with the hubbie and waiting for the love to come back.
If you find it will you please send it back to me.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Breakthrough in Swimming
Finally, after months and months of swimming back and forth it finally hit me last night. I am learning a nw swimming technique - TI swimming is more for long distance swimming which is relaxed and easier on your body.
I was doing laps last night atTI swim club, looked up and my coach said "good job Maria you got it"! My head was down, my butt was up, heels touching the surface and stroke was long. I glided from one end of the pool to the other and reduced my stroke count by 7 strokes.
I now feel like I am actaully going to pull this half ironman thing off, but really was there any doubt?
I was doing laps last night atTI swim club, looked up and my coach said "good job Maria you got it"! My head was down, my butt was up, heels touching the surface and stroke was long. I glided from one end of the pool to the other and reduced my stroke count by 7 strokes.
I now feel like I am actaully going to pull this half ironman thing off, but really was there any doubt?
Thursday, February 16, 2012
IFM = Ironman for Mortals
Feeling pretty good about myself these days. Back on track with my IFM training, not sick anymore and have to-date have lost 10 pounds (so much lighter which makes training easier).
I was at a 1/2 marathon clinic this evening catching up with some friends I have not seen in a while and the guest speaker, Two Tall Dave, was talking about goal setting and motivation. During his talk he asked people what motivates/inspires us, he asked me directly and I did not have to even think about it, my answer was "ME".
Some may say this seems a bit self centered, but honestly I can talk myself into most anything, because I know I can do it. I am training for my first 1/2 Ironman for goodness sake and already have myself convinced I can do a full Ironman NEXT YEAR, I all I said was "hey you can do it!"
Now don't get me wrong, I could not always motivate myself the way I do these days. In the past I used such tools as, music, poems, quotes and friends. But these days I just know with all I have done in these last 7 years since I got off my sofa and started running that I can do most anything I set my mind to.....and so can you!
I was at a 1/2 marathon clinic this evening catching up with some friends I have not seen in a while and the guest speaker, Two Tall Dave, was talking about goal setting and motivation. During his talk he asked people what motivates/inspires us, he asked me directly and I did not have to even think about it, my answer was "ME".
Some may say this seems a bit self centered, but honestly I can talk myself into most anything, because I know I can do it. I am training for my first 1/2 Ironman for goodness sake and already have myself convinced I can do a full Ironman NEXT YEAR, I all I said was "hey you can do it!"
Now don't get me wrong, I could not always motivate myself the way I do these days. In the past I used such tools as, music, poems, quotes and friends. But these days I just know with all I have done in these last 7 years since I got off my sofa and started running that I can do most anything I set my mind to.....and so can you!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Just got back from a weeks vacation on the Big Island - Hawaii.
My sweetie and I took our road bikes and did many KM's on the island (including part of the Ironman route - wow!). You need to be sure you know how to change your tire if your biking on the Big Island, the roads are not that clear, tons of debris and we managed to get a flat while we were biking the Ironman route.
Did a few runs while I was there - one thru an old lava field which was pretty incredible (see photo).
Our last night there we watched the sunset on Alii Drive (you guessed it - where the Ironman starts and finishes - see photo). I saw where they start the swim, the bike and where they finish the run. A local there told me that regular people can do the Kona Ironman, if they want to pay a larger entry fee of $1000.00, so over several glasses of wine my sweetie and I decided that I would try, in 2015 to enter the Kona Ironman (yahoo!!). For now I have been given the go ahead to sign up for the Pentiction Ironman in 2013-2014. This is a big deal - I can't believe I got the ok from my other half!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Another Goofy Done
I am back from Orlando where the 2012 Goofy was held this past weekend. Most of you are familiar with the small gang of us who have been training for the Goofy for the past 7 months, finally the day came when we had to put that training to the test. We arrived last Thursday in Orlando ready to run but first we had to pickup our race packages at the World Wide of Sports a large complex at Disney World and a very busy one. The expo provided was a really good but so busy that getting around was difficult and if you did not like enclosed spaces and large crowds you were in trouble.
That evening we ate our dinner early and prepared ourselves for our event that weekend.Saturday Morning - Donald Duck 1/2 Marathon (Approx. 16,500 people)
We had to get up to catch the 3:15 a.m. bus to Epcot Centre where we gathered in a holding area (concrete) until it was time to start the race. Once we were given the go ahead, we walked about 1 km to the start line which took a good 1/2 hour or more where we all got into our corrals (I was in H last one) everyone else was in a corral ahead of me.
The race for me started at about 6:30 a.m. and I ran this one by myself. I kept my throw away clothes on for about 5K as it was really cold that early in the morning. The race course was flat and took us thru the Magic Kingdom where we had a chance to run thru Sleeping Beauty's castle and stop for photos with various characters.
I ran using my heart rate monitor so my pace was pretty slow, but that was ok cause I did not wish to run the half marathon fast if I had to run the full the next day. It was a tougher half than most due to the amount of walkers and congestion on this run. You were always weaving in and out of people.
There was plenty of entertainment along the half marathon route but I made the mistake of keeping my music on the whole route so I missed some of it. There were tons of spectators along the route right up to the finish line. Once I got the finish line I took out my head phones so I could hear the cheering crowds, I looked for my special cheerleader (my hubbie) and sure enough there he was in the stands waiting for me. It is always a great feeling to cross that finish line with him cheering me on!
I finished the half marathon in about 3:10 and was glad it was over. However, I have to admit that when Jeff found me with me with my friends I confided to him that I was not looking forward to doing the full the next day.
Sunday Morning - Mickey Mouse Marathon (Approx. 11,000 people)
Got up at 2:45 a.m. again for the marathon, wasn't nervous or excited just knew I had to get it done and over with and I also knew I had done it before so for sure I could do it. Again we were held in the holding area and then did the 1k walk to the start line. I was in corral H but snuck into corral G so I could start with everyone. It was not as cold as it was Saturday so a little more bearable waiting to start. The American National Anthem was sung then a moment later our group starting belting out Oh Canada - it felt good.
About 15 minutes went by and the next thing you know we were underway. My legs felt pretty good, mind was clear and I knew I had made the right choice and was glad I was there.
The marathon was great, this time I did not listen to my music instead I paid attention to what was happening around me, music, characters, spectators, other runners, the road and my running buddy, Warren.
I was loving this marathon, I will not say it was easy but it certainly wasn't hard. Everything worked and nothing was shutting down. 21k came and went and I only had 21k more to do (I know only 21k more) but I had a great running buddy and we stuck together like glue (well except for the 4k that i lost him when he went to the washroom, but we found each other).
At about 41k Warren and I decided to walk 1k then run the rest in. Once we hit Epcot we started running and the next thing we knew there was the finish line. Again I looked into the stands for my special cheer leader and there he way waving his hat waiting for me. I crossed the finish line holding Warren's hand and that was that - another Goofy under my belt.
Our group was waiting for us when we were done and had received our medals (yes I said medals - 3 of them) and then we went back to the finish line to cheer in one more of our team before we went back to the hotel for some rest before our celebration dinner that evening.
So, you ask will I do it again. Well I said that this would be my last marathon but on the plane home one of my co-runners suggested the Niagara Falls Marathon...my hubbie looked at me and said "so it starts".
Am now back home, tired, sick and have to work in the morning. I am glad marathon training, I'll miss running with my buds but I am looking forward to putting 100% into iron man training.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Wish Me Luck
This weekend I am running Goofy, this is goal #1 for 2012.
This will be the 2nd time I have done this race, hoping to do a bit better than last time, but I'll just be happy to finish and get those wonderful medals (yes medals you get three of them). I plan on doing my race running with my heart rate monitor on so when it beeps, and it will beep, I'll be slowing down.
I am pretty relaxed about this race, to be honest I am just happy the training is over and the race is here. I always dislike training for a marathon - seems so long. But no longer! Race day is just around the corner.
So, wish me luck.