Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Just realized that my last post was Dec 10th and tomorrow is Christmas Day. I have been keeping up my training for my ironman but could do better, so today I hopped on my biked and did a ride while watching Jumaji on the T.V.

Tomorrow is Christmas Day and I am at my goal weight (I think) that I wanted to be at for Christmas - 150 pounds. Once the day is over I have two weeks to lose 2 pounds to get to my 148 goal weight for Goofy (race in Florida Jan 8 & 9).

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all happy Christmas. Love Maria

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Feel A Little Lighter These Days

Rejoice!! I started my training at 158 pounds, goal weight 140, current weight....wait for it.....150! So I am def. feeling a little lighter these days. I'd like to be 148 before I run Goofy in January, 2012.

Overall my eating habits have changed (less carbs, more protien - lots of nuts and Greek Yogurt which is really high in protein) but the decrease in my weight may also have something to do with my training (you can't not lose weight if your training 6 days a week).

I have, however, had this week off work - been sick. Just could not get enough sleep this week, most nights was having a nap before dinner, bad head cold and just plan dragging myself around. It was tough cause we went out twice this week (once for a work shopping event which could not be missed and then to the hockey game which my hubbie was looking forward to - would have just loved to have gone home to bed instead).

Coach said to be careful as the signs of over training is getting sick. Will see how it goes, if I get sick again you can bet I'll be taking it a bit easier. But for now I am running 32K tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed I'll be running on clear pavement and that it will be warm.

Cheers and Happy Holidays

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Snow Day

I have never been a a fan of snow...and while the weather today was warmer than I expected the snow really had an impact on my 27K run, which turned out to be 15K that was really hard due to the deepness of the snow and how slippy it was. I keep losing my footing, my breathing was off and my pace was slower than normal.

I can run a 1/2 marathon in 2:30 and today it took my 2:30 to run 15K - what is up with that?

I am at home now watching some awful moving about Nazi's who have gargoyles that have come to life and they are using them to fight the Americans in feet are defrosting and my laundry has just beeped...I can't be bothered to go downstairs just yet to get it as I am tired.

IFM (Ironman For Mortals) training is in its 7th week and I am still liking it but I do get tired more often. My typical week looks like this:

Monday - Swim or Run (5K) - but easy
Tuesday - Run 5K and do a Strength Class
Wednesday - Run 5K and Swim Class
Thursday - Brick Session (Bike for 1 hour and run for 40 minutes)
Friday - Run 5K
Saturday - Spin Class and then if I don't have IFM class that day a swim
Sunday - LSD with the goofies

Weight lost to-date 4 pounds but I go according to Melissa's scale today 8 pounds (can't be that lucky).

Merry Christmas

Friday, November 18, 2011

Getting Back On Track

Well, took what seemed like a break and now I am getting back on track. I don't wish to take a break again.

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Mother Is A School Teacher

Just did my training in Creston, 40 minutes in the rain was cold.

Then I got home and showed my mother my blog, she proceeded to tell me I had a grammatical error in my title, which I have since change!

Once a school teacher, always a school teacher!

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead.

Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Taking Night Off

Suppose to do my brick training tonight but feel so tired. On Tuesday night I did a strength class and I have DOMs. After a few weeks this will all change and my body will get use to this, but for the next few months until I get use to this trianing I am going to have to SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Hello Mr. Negative

Hello Mr. Negative, I was NOT expecting you.

He was not welcome on the run but he came with me anyway.

I did NOT follow my IFM training as I had normally and suffered for it.

Lost Mr. Negative at 19K when I cut my run short (suppose to do 29K).

THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN, he is not welcome to run with me and the next time he tags along he is in for a surprise.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

I Am Training For An Ironman

This a great video, it made me laugh - I Am Training For An Ironman and is so true except for the getting up early in the morning part.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

Felt Like a Fish Out of Water

After I handed out candies to the tiddlers this evening (and some were so cute) I decided to go for my first practice swim. Finally got my schedule down between two pools in my area so that is why it has taken so long since I started my swimming lessons.

Anyway, off I went to the pool to practice my TI swimming technique and was feeling pretty good about it all. Got into the pool and it all left my head, I had no idea what I had learnt over these last 7 weeks and left 1/2 hour after getting into the pool.

Think some private lessons might be in order otherwise come race day I'll drown.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sometimes it's tough to stay positive....

It has been a rough couple days for this "iron woman in the making" and I am trying to stay positive in my soul so that my focus does not stray from my training.

Those of you who know me know one of the reasons why I am feeling sad, you are in the same boat as a prayer would be appreciated, the other reason I'll share later if necessary.

Swim class is this evening, 2nd last one before I move onto the intermediate class.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Had my lactate acid threshold tested today, as well as my weight, measurements and body fat measured at Vitalize (http://www.vitalize/) my new heart rate is 150 (but we are monitoring it). The whole thing was very interesting and no not painful, except for the fact that my body fat is quite high and I need to lose weight, my goal for weight lose is about 18 pounds (I'll be super skinney) so have to cut out some of my wine and def. no sweets!

My coach Grant is great, every interesting man (you can read his bio on the website) and I like the relaxed way the training is done, ETZ.

Off to bed soon, doing a 26K run tomrrow so need my sleep.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Then Event Has Been Chosen

I have finally done it, I have registered for my 1st Half Iron and it will be the Sylvan Lake Half Iron

I am still pinching myself that this is actually going to happen and that on July 22, 2012 I'll be able to scatch this off my bucket list.

Is it too early to start thinking about a Full Ironman?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

First Week of Ironman Training

Week 1 done, it wasn't that bad but of course I had to pick my first week of training to catch a cold! Training comes with ups and downs.

So you ask, what part do I enjoy the most?

The running is easier than what I was doing in the RR - I am running to HR so going a little slow but I have tons more energy when I am done. I don't run distance I run to time and have to, HAVE TO, warm up and cool down before each run and this counts as part of the time. LOVE IT

Biking, well I like the biking. Did my first class Saturday morning @ 8 a.m. about 80 minutes then this week did 45 minutes in my basement with Ipod blaring (my hubbie laughs cause I sing out loud and apparently I am not that good, I thought I sounded great).

Swimming - quite like the new type of swimming I am doing TI, nice and relaxed.

My coaches are great and very helpful.

The only bad thing, am not spending as much time with my Goofies during the week as I would like my IFM training is taking over my weekends nights, but I knew this would happen and I don't get to sleep in as much as I use to, ok I won't get to for about 8 months.

However, still have decided on my race yet but I am betting it is going to be Sylvan Lake (if only they would get their registration open I am dying to sign up).

Monday, October 17, 2011

Which Race Should I Do?

Well, the buzz around the water cooler is there is a potential that the Calgary 70.3 may not happen next year. Of course this could suck for me, this has been my bucket list race for about two years now. Of course after I heard the rumor I thought I better get my act together and get myself signed up so some 1/2 Ironman somewhere soon.

Choices I have are: Oliver, BC, Sylvan Lake and the Great White North.

A number of people I know have signed up for GWN so I would know people, Sylvan is close so hopefully friends would come a watch and Oliver, BC the water will be warmer.

By the end of the week I will have made up my mind but if you can help me in anyway make a decision I'd sure appreciate your help.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Ghost Lake Looks Cold

Hubbie and I drove to Kelowna this weekend to spend time with friends as well as allow me to be a pace bunny for the Okanagan Half Marathon. My goal as the 2:45 pace bunny was to get my peeps across the finish line at 2:45 and that is exactly what I did!

I was very proud of myself, I had to maintain a 7:40 pace and keep my peeps on target each 2K in order to get us across the finish line at 2:45.

Now, on our way back from Kelowna my hubbie point out Ghost Lake to look figgin cold (this is the lake that the 70.3 uses for the half ironman) burrrr. Might have to sit in and ice cold bath to get my body use to being in this cold lake.

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving, me I'll have to do a lot of running (besides the 21.1K I did this weekend) to wear off the wine and turkey I consumed.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Favourite Time Of Year...

Is fall, everything is changing, the colors are so beautiful and the temp is just right for running (although this monring it was a bit cold to start but we soon warmed up).

Great 13K run thru Woodbine and Fish Creek thanks to Cindy A., however there was 1 hill (it was just a small one). We all did well, our legs were a little tired from doing 8K yesterday but we did a great job and the conversation was brillant.

Feeling pretty good.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Feeling Better

Well, now that I have calmed down (soaked in the fact that I am going to be broke for the rest of my life - repairing my mini will cost $7,000) and went for a wonderful 8K run this morning with my fab running group, I am finally feeling better.

Doing a double run this weekend - 13K tomorrow and am really looking forward to it.

Goofy - here I come.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Is Someone Dropping Me A Hint

Car broke down, missed first night of swim class with my new coach for Ironman Training.

Feeling low, depressed and really bummed out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Strathmore Tri

My third tri of the year happens tomorrow in sunny Strathmore (500m swim, 20K ride and 5K run). My heat starts @ 10:10 approximately for the swim.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

70.3 Ironman - Team Wilson!

Registration for the 70.3 opens next month for August 5, 2012 Ironman here in Calgary.

So, mark your calendars cause I am registering and I need all the support that day I can get - yahoo Team Wilson.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless - Sherry Anderson


I spent the better part of today (Saturday) at the Westin with a friend of my, Kathy, volunteering (package pickup) for the 73.3 1/2 Ironman which takes place tomorrow starting from Ghost Lake. It was great to meet all the men and women who were taking part in this race.

One lady I talked to was doing this race for the first time, over the last two years she had lost 300 pounds and is doing this race as her celebration race (she has only done two sprint tri's in the last two years). I meet a women who came in from New Mexico to do this race and several people from the NWT, a lovely lady from the states (forgot where) who grew up in Calgary and was back to do this race for the first time..her family, old high school teachers and high school friends are going to meet her at the finish line to cheer her in as she crosses that finish line.


This morning I woke at 2:45 a.m. to make my way to the Westin to volunteer for the body marking OF the athletes taking part in the 73.3 Ironman. If I was tired I can't imagine how the athletes felt having to get up so early in order to catch a 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45 or 5 a.m. bus to drive 45 minutes to Ghost Lake and wait their turn to do their swim.

It was a great morning, the athletes were very appreciative and I really did not mind getting up so early so early. My job was the volunteer in charge of the volunteers - ensuring that they understood what they needed to do (how to body mark, where etc..) and I needed to make sure that the athletes got on their correct bus and no one was left behind.

As the athletes got on the bus I asked "do you have your chip, do you have your helmet, do you have your wet suit, have you been marked" and it is a good thing these questions were asked as some did forget one of two of these items.

By 5:10 a.m. all buses were gone and I was on my way back home to go to bed, but many other volunteers were headed off to volunteer more of their time/rest of their day elsewhere in the race..and for that I am grateful. You see next year this is my goal race and I can only hope that the same fantastic volunteers who helped out with this event are there next year to help again.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Maria's First Gran Fondo

So,you ask, what does Gran Fondo mean? Gran Fondo means long distance or great endurance.

Yesterday I participated in my Gran Fondo first bike race, the distanced varied 170K, 140K, 100K and 60K and because it was my first Fondo I choose the 60K (which as it turned out was 67K).

START - Nanton just west of the intersection of Highway 2 and 18th Street, on 18th Street.
WEST- 26th Ave to highway 533. Head right on 533 and head west to 22.
SOUTH- 22 to the Maycroft turn off.
RETURN - the same route the same way.

I cannot say anything bad about this race:
- Jersey's are bright and I will take pride in wearing it.
- Lots of parking.
- Great, friendly competitors.
- Race route was hilly and hard (a true Gran Fondo).
- Lots of door prizes were given out.
- Only 400 participants.
- Food afterwards was brilliant.

They do say that any bike is permitted, trust me you need a road bike.

I hope to do many of these races in the future and would higly recommend them.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Huge Butt?

I finally realized just how huge my butt was getting (I won't bore you with the details of how I came to this conclusion) but decided I had been sitting around procrastinating long enough. So today I am back in the "training" saddle.

I have one year till I do my first 1/2 ironman so figured I had to get my head, heart and body back in shape!

Watch this space for futher weekly updates.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Did Better Than I Thought - Yes I Rock

Ok, times are in for my Vulcan Tri and to be honest I think I am a bad judge of what I can do. I thought it would take me about 2:15 - 2:30 to complete all three events today (I am basing this on my last tri where the distances where shorter but it took me 51 minutes to complete the events). So I allowed 2:15 for myself.

Here is what I actually did including transitions:

500M Swim 15:20 WOW I ROCK!
15K Bike 39:52 very happy with this time.
5K Run 31:57 seconds AMAZING ME!

Total time 1:27 minutes - yes 1 hour 27 minutes - you heard me correctly.

Yehaaaaaa me - I can hardly contain my happiness.

Vulcan Tinman

So I had to get up pretty early for this one - left the house at 5 a.m. this morning to drive to Vulcan. No traffic meant that I was a little early - got there at 6:30 a.m. (I might have been speeding slightly).

I checked in, got my bib and numbers put on my body (with ink that won't come off for another week), had my biked looked at and then waited for my swim.

500M SWIM....Originally my heat was 8:00 a.m. because I said it would take me 20+ minutes (not sure what I swam it in). I got in early in the swim about 7:45 a.m. and it was bloody cold! Did my 500M swim, took it nice and easy and only shared the lane with 2 others people.

SWIM TO BIKE TRANSITION - Not to bad this go round, as I said it was cold so I ran my ass to my bike and quickly changed into biking gear, this transition stuff is what I need to get use to cause you can eat up a lot of your time.

15K BIKE - Love the biking. This route was flat with a slight hill near the turnarond. Found it easy going out but on the way back it was windy. No problem, I was hydrating and eating on the bike and I love the bike even thou it was windy I felt like I coasted.

I even picked people to pass on my bike....loved it.

BIKE TO RUN TRANSITION - Again getting use to this bit.

Did a lot of stuff wrong when I got ready for my run. First I left my number belt at home so had to wear my bib on my shirt - now when you do a tri you wear the number on the back when biking and front running. So I had my shirt on backwards for the run so my number would be on the back (what was the point thou it was covered up by my jacket - it was cold). I had to turn my shirt around during transition so that my bib would be on the front for the run.

I packed my fuel belt for the run but in my transition when I put it on I forgot to put my water on the belt so ran 5K with a totally empty fuel belt. It was all for looks.

5K RUN - I don't know what it is but even thou I had jello legs I was maintaining race pace (6:30) during my 5K run. I took no breaks (well I had someone take my photo that took 5 secs) and felt really good during the run.

I finished at around 9:24 a.m. so that was that. I had heard that the Vulcan Tinman had great food but at 9:30 a.m. they don't have that stuff ready, all they had was orange and milk (yuck)! There was no shirt, even thou it clearly said on the race info that I should pick up my shirt after I was done - I got a bag instead (don't need another bag) but wanted a race shirt. Don't they give these out for Tri's?

As I was all by myself I packed everything up, drove to Fran's for coffee and then came home. Was home by 12:15 p.m. and that is that.

Update later on my time for everything.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Yah...I am not ready.

Ok, didn't I say that before?

Oh well, this week I have just rested after doing the 1/2 marathon on the weekend. My arm is killing me and I am just plain old tired and lacking motivation. I know, I know me lacking motivation - well I better pull some out of the bag soon cause I am getting up to drive to Vulcan to do my 2nd tri this weekend.

Again, not worried about but I know that once I start my actual training next year for the 1/2 iron man I will need to be way more committed than I am right now. I have asked my coach to cut back on my training schedule (distance only) for June and July, this will allow me to keep up better with the schedule. Except for Sat's when I'll be running LSD distance with a friend of mine who is training for his full marathon in August.

Off the tri topic for a minute - what do you think? If a person trians for a full then don't you think she should do the full or just the half. WHAT ARE YOU THOUGHTS?

Ok...back to the tri - I'll keep you all posted on the outcome. Keep me in your thoughts.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What A Great Race

Calgary 1/2 Marathon

Had a great nights sleep, was calm and positive at the start, my friends were there to support me and the energy was fantastic.

I started and finished this wonderful race with two great ladies, Jackie and Jennifer, we kept a great pace, talked, laughed and had just a blast. And, we obtained our goal time - excellent!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Getting Back On Track

Well with my last day of my clinic this week I was hoping to get back on track with my training for my upcoming Vulcan Tri. This has not happened. I can't complain really as I have a 1/2 to run tomorrow and I always try to taper and not stress my body out so much before a race, so I did swim (once this week) and ran home but the biking nil due to rain.

I am worried but not too worried, Iknow I can do all 3 events but because I have not put 100% into my training for this particular tri I won't get what I expect out of it.

Once my 1/2 and Vulcan is over I can then get back on track to do what I need to do - what I feel I need to do.

Wishing myself luck tomorrow - goal is 2:30 not a PB but a goal.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Well That Was Easy

Melissa and I did the Tri Diva Tri today...first it was bloody windy but other than the wind we had a great time and as the title says "Well that was easy".

Here is what we did: 250M swim, 9K bike and 2.5K run - my number for these events was 434. I really didn't find this race to hard, the toughest part was the waiting to get into the pool for your turn to do the swim.

The Swim....four of us shared one lane and if you got stuck behind a slower person you had to pass or you were kinda of screwed and had to wait to get to the end of the length to pass. When I started I had a much slower swimmer in front of me so I waited until we finished the length and then passed her, but then I speeded up too much, lost my rythum and ran out of breath. Don't know what I did the swim in cause before you got into the pool to swim they took your number and then they started your time, you swam then got out of the pool and your time did not stop for the swim till you passed the mat outside in the transition area (so my chip time for the swim portion was 8:19 with waiting and walking).

The Bike....this I enjoyed. I transitioned from the swim to the bike, this was new to me but I was prepared. Put my helmet on first, toweled down a bit, jacket, shoes, bike and started my Garmin (or so I thought) then I am off. Like I said it was super windy so the 9K ride was tough in parts but I really like the biking. If you passed someone you had to yell "passing on your left" and this I said a lot - loved this part!

We had to do a certain section of the route twice (about 2K) and this was the windest section so a bit tough but on the way home not too much wind and I motored in.

My Garmin said I did 8K in 24 minutes so obviously started it too late cause I know we did 9K. My time according to the chip was 27:39.

The Run....last transition from bike to running and it was good...just had to take of my helmet (hat head) so put on another hat to cover that up, running shoes on with no socks, lip stuff and off I went and started my Garmin again (or so I thought). The run was 2.5 and more wind. My legs felt pretty good can't say anything bad about it and according to my Garmin (which I had actually not started and had to restart) I was running a 6:19 average and did it in 15 minutes...this is faster than I would normally run but it was a shorter distance.

My time according to the chip was 15:51 so pretty close to my Garmin.

Best parts - our friends who came to watch during this event and support Melissa and myself (thanks Frannie, Steve and Melissa's folks), the biking and feeling like I could do this again.

Things I Learned - not to wear my tri vest during the swim, wear socks when I run, drink more water when I bike, eat something during the bike/run transition and I can do anything I set my mind to.

Training Improvements - need to swim more so I can get faster and do more biking/run brick training sessions and practice using my Garmin Auto Multisport.

Overall my time for this event was: 51:45 and I ranked 6th in my age group and 96th out of 286 participants.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

OK....I am a bit nervous....

I am foot is sore....have I trained enough....should I have riden more...I have not swum in two weeks....oh my god!

Tomorrow is my first Tri, it is really early in the morning ugh! I hate getting up early, I hate having to squeeze my butt and the rest of my fat that is not attached to muscle into my tri suit.

Oh just ignore me....I am really exicted so cross your fingers for me (and your toes, and your legs and whatever else you can cross).


Friday, May 13, 2011

Tri DivaTri

My first Tri is coming up on Sunday, May 15th (250 Meter Swim, 9K bike ride and a 2.5K run).

I am not nervous, just a bit exicted to see what my body can do - I know it is only a sprint tri but this is all new to me.

So, check back to see how I did, what worked and what didn't.

tri-Combining form
1. Three; having three: "triathlon".
2. (in names of compounds) Containing three atoms or groups of a specified kind: "trichloroethane".

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lead Legs

Who would have thought that after I biked 64K on Saturday and then ran 16K on Sunday my legs would not feel like running tonight - what's up with that? Hey legs, get with it!

Saturday, May 07, 2011

That Was Not An Easy Ride

Shelley and I did a 64K ride today...first one that distance and everything is tired. My bike was great but need to bike some more to get my legs use to the long rides.

It felt great thou! Thanks Shelley

Thursday, May 05, 2011

20K does not equal 30K

Well, I had great dreams of biking 30K tonight but I did not turn on my garmin and relied totally on the trip distance on my bike, which I think does not work. So, according to my trip meter on my bike I biked 29K but when I plotted the route on the map it shows I road 21K.

Now 21K is pretty good - took me about 1 hour 30 minutes (the other day it took me 34 minutes to do 10K) so maybe I did 30K - ah who knows. I just felt good.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Two Weeks Till 1st Tri

Only two more weeks till my first tri (May 15th).

Today did 250 meters in the pool (distance of my first tri swim) in a time of 6:30 seconds - that is 1:30 seconds faster than my other times. But, I don't expect that I'll do that in my tri swim, there will be more people in the pool during my race.

Got this awful bra for my tri's (looks like my gradma's bra ugh) but apprently it is a good one, better be for $80.00.

Cost todate to do my first tri:

$ 200.00 for two peice tri suit
$ 80.00 for grandma bra
$2,000.00 for road bike
$ 400.00 for bike gear
$ 100.00 for jacket (really cool one)
$ 80.00 for helmet (the one I had was way over 5 years old)
$ 60.00 entry into first tri
$ 60.00 for cycling classes
$ 120.00 for pool entry
$ 200.00 coaching
$3,300.00 TOTAL

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week Before Thier Goal Race

A lot of the group in the clinic I am teaching right now are going to be running thier goal race next weekend. I hope they are very exicted, they have all worked very hard to get to where they are now and I am very proud of them all.

My goal race, as well as some others in the clinic, is the Calgary 1/2 Marathon at the end of May, that will be my last race of the year as I"ll then be training for my tri's and Goofy in 2012.

I will be sorry that the clinic will end and I have made the decision to not teach antoher one until after I do the 1/2 ironman next year (2012).

The weather is getting really nice so I'll be able to do most of my biking outdoors and really put to use the nice road bike Jeff bought me for my birthday..I am going to be damn fast.

I'll close by letting you know I am having a glass of red wine and relaxing on my sofa, ET is on TV right now I have not seen it since forever!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

If Its To Be...Its Up To Me

Reminder to self...if you don't do the training then you may not complete your goal!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

When will the snow end?

April 17th and you would have thought we'd at least have some sun, but no snow again! We were suppose to run 21K today but it was so icey and gross out I cut the run short (which eveyone was fine with). So total distance for me was 11K but it felt like 16K.

Just watching Russell Peters for a good laugh and my step son is over for dinner (yeah I know you need to know this).

Gotta get myself ready for the week, might pray for sun.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Beginning

It all starts with 1 step, then 2, then 3 etc...soon your addicted and your halfs, then running marathons.

After a time you think "what else can my body do" and you decide to put it to the test. So this summer, 2011, I'll put my body to the test by doing 3 sprint tri's.

Today, with the help for my friend in these Tri's we put our bodies to the test by getting in and out of tri suits (lovely), eventually after an hour or so of getting in and out of the tightest suits we have ever been in I found my tri suit (no photos I am afraid - too scary).

So while today is not really the beginning of my tri adventure (I started my training about 4 weeks ago) it is becoming more of a reality now that I have my skin tight tri suit.